November 30, 2005

Sample the Torrent in "BlawgWorld 2006" just published online

It has been said that thousands of new "weblogs" launch every day, and many of them are now legal "blogs" or "blawgs." As practitioners join academics in creating content and their writings become more specialized, they become potentially valuable to you.

Even with nifty tools like Really Simple Syndication (RSS), this is a firehose torrent that is harder and harder to sample. So ... TechnoLawyer has taken a stab at a selection of postings from 51 legal bloggers and published it in a book you can download now if you are a member of TechnoLawyer. If you are not a member, you can get it anyway if you join (free) online at this link: TechnoLawyer: Product reviews and other helpful legal technology and practice management information

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, one of my postings is included in the selection.

Posted by dougsimpson at November 30, 2005 08:28 PM